Jacob Lawson

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Category: Uncategorized

Electronic from the Archives

In addition to all the work I’ve done that’s been released to the world, the albums I’ve produced, the things I’ve scored, the many records I’ve played on, there have also be lots of projects that didn’t see the light of day for one reason or another.  While I don’t have the rights to share […]

Coming Out of the Shadows for the Grammys

The fall of 2015 flew by and somehow we’re already in the second month of 2016.  How did that happen?!!!  I guess it might have been that when time is so filled to overflowing you just don’t have time to count the passing minutes.  Here are just a few of the projects that consumed my time […]

Kathleen Taylor’s “Broken by Design”

Having been away for the summer, I’m quite behind in telling everyone about a lovely record I produced this spring for Kathleen Taylor called “Broken by Design”.  Kathleen is a Gainesville, FL based singer/songwriter and if I were forced to choose two words to describe her music they would be “homespun” and “wistful”…..  Her music […]

Come see Carol Lipnik Live!!!

I did not intend for the headline of this post to suggest you might see Carol Lipnik any way other than alive, but rather that after selling out every night of a weekly gig at Pangea in the East Village in NYC during the month of March, she has now been asked back for an […]

Making records locally, long distance, and with friends on the road

As the third month of 2015 comes to a close (where DID it go?!!!) and I look back at the first quarter of this year, it’s been a blast.  I’m currently mid-way through making a lovely record with Kathleen Taylor that is going to be a sweet, homespun mix of whimsy and melancholy… besides the […]

Work, Friendship and Making Records

I realize that in all lines of work one’s professional world often intermingles with one’s personal friendships but in music this seems to be especially true and especially important. As a freelancing musician you don’t just occasionally make a friend at work.  Instead, you and your closest friends labor and toil and hope that one […]

Jennifer Knapp’s New Record, Set Me Free October 14th!

It’s official!  October 14th Righteous Babe Records will be releasing Jennifer Knapp’s new album, “Set Me Free”, which I produced!  I couldn’t be more proud of the result of all our hard work and I hope it will lead to many more people getting to know Jennifer’s music.  She has a voice that can knock […]

Climbing Back Into the Saddle

Since mid-May I’ve been slightly out of the loop. I’d love to say this I is why I haven’t posted on this website but, by the barely-existent posting history from the months before I headed out it’s clear I can’t use that as an excuse. Excuses aside, my work this summer has been largely outside […]

Long Distance Recording ROCKS!

Like many of my peers I began making records at the very beginning of the “project studio” era… that is to say that in the mid-’90’s changes in technology lowered the financial barrier of entry so that small, affordable studios began springing up all over.  I could write pages and pages about the pros and […]

Strings for Awesome Things

I’m excited to have recorded and played all the strings for the famous Danish director Charlotte Sachs Bøstrup’s upcoming film, Kartellet.  The score was written by Irv Johnson and we’re really thrilled with the results.  We worked hard via skype and FTP and it hardly seemed like there was an ocean between us.  It certainly […]