Making records locally, long distance, and with friends on the road
As the third month of 2015 comes to a close (where DID it go?!!!) and I look back at the first quarter of this year, it’s been a blast. I’m currently mid-way through making a lovely record with Kathleen Taylor that is going to be a sweet, homespun mix of whimsy and melancholy… besides the joy of working regularly with Kathleen’s sunny disposition (we laugh a LOT), it’s been a pleasure to get to make an album entirely from my homebase. I still thank my lucky stars that I have the internet to keep me connected with my musical collaborators around the world, but wow, working locally is great!
On the long-distance front, last month I had the pleasure of recording strings for Angelo Panetta‘s score for the upcoming film Madtown. It’s sounding great and I can’t wait to see the final mix with picture.
Then there’s the inbetween stuff, where the long distance get’s local. Back in February Genna and Jesse swung through town and I recorded and produced a lovely song for their upcoming record. It was a real pleasure to work with them as their talent and passion made it a super easy, natural process and I think we got great results.
Of course, there have been a great many other projects from quick mixes to overdubs to co-writing a modern dance score that will be premiering in NYC in June I’ll be writing more about soon. All in all, a great first quarter to the year.
Q2, here we come!!!!